Five County operates under the jurisdiction of the Fremont County Joint School District #215. All educational services are provided by the district, and comply with State and Federal Standards. The Director of Education is certified in Special Education and Emotional Disturbance Behavior Disorders.
Each resident has an education aftercare plan developed as part of the resident transition plan. They are provided twenty-five hours of education each week at the Center and may attend education classes in local communities as part of their transitional requirements. Having a year-round education program helps students stay current, or catch up with their appropriate grade levels by the time they leave treatment. Classes will be held in the Center’s classrooms or Multi-Purpose Room as identified in the weekly schedule. During District holidays, Center staff provides educational opportunities with an emphasis on independent living and career development skills.
Residents who have completed the General Education Diploma (GED), High School Equivalency (HSE), or who graduate from high school are encouraged to prepare for college. Residents attend vocational programs offered on the Internet or workbook packets and some may attend classes outside the facility during the transitional period pending authorized contract agency approval.
Five County has had much success in juveniles graduating with GED/HSE, or a High School Diploma.
Juveniles successfully completing education requirements for a diploma receive a graduation ceremony. Families, contracting agencies, case workers, and treatment team members are invited to attend ceremonies held inside the facility.