www.co.fremont.id.us Fremont County, Idaho
http://www.idjc.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/JCA-and-Rules-Booklet-2019.pdf Juvenile Corrections Act and IDAPA Rules
www.idjc.idaho.gov Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections
www.prearesourcecenter.org Prison Rape Elimination Act
www.ijjc.idaho.gov Idaho Juvenile Justice Commission
www.ijja.net Idaho Juvenile Justice Association
www.npjs.org National Partnership for Juvenile Service
www.behavioraltech.com Behavioral tech, LLC
http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
www.icrp.com Idaho Counties Risk Managment
www.amin.idaho.gov Idaho Administrative Procedures Act
www.post.idaho.gov Idaho Peace Officer Standards & Training