By Nicky Chavez

Parenting Class

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Our residents are off to a good start with our parenting class. This month they started out with six hours of classroom work a day studying Infant and Child First Aide, CPR, Birth Control, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Money Management, Budgeting, Child Abuse, Adoption Options, Infant Safety, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and Fetal Alcohol Effects with affects from drug use during pregnancy. The Residential Treatment Residents also studied Shaken Bay Syndrome, Womb Development, and Infant and Toddler Development.

The residents are taking turns wearing a "pregnancy suit" for 24hours and actually had a "baby shower". The pregnancy suit is designed to simulate pregnancy. It is a body suit with the belly area full of water, with a small ball in the middle that moves in the water. Balls press up against the rib area and it is weighted with sand. Many of the residents are getting a new appreciation for what a woman goes through when she is carrying around extra weight. It is not surprising to hear resident complaints "Oh my back hurts", "how long do I have to wear this", and "I feel sorry for what my mom went through". 5-C staff smile and encourage their continued participation in the parenting program.

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The final part of the class will be one week of caring for a "computerized simulator newborn doll". They are equipped with car seats, diapers, bottles, diaper bags, clothes, blankets, and baby wipes. The dolls come with birth certificates which the residents get to name. They are responsible to care for the newborn twenty four hours a day for a one week period. The dolls are put on all different "schedules" and are up crying at all times of the day and night. They require feedings, diaper changes, and burping. By the end of the week, residents are sure tired and develop a new appreciation of the responsibilities it takes to care for a child. This class is offered twice a year to the residents and is one of the favorites for residents and staff alike. The equipment was all supplied through generous grants from the Idaho Children's Trust Fund.

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Residential Treatment Residents learn invaluable life skills to carry with them out into the community. Many of the older treatment residents with children often say "Thank You" and come to realization of the importance of them being a parent and taking care of a child.

The Parenting Class is facilitated by several instructors. Special thanks to 5-C Cindy Powell, Judy Gould, and Taryn Ivie. They are outstanding instructors!!!!!

Employee Of The Quarter

Janette Lundquist


Janette Lundquist

We would like to recognize two employees who have gone above and beyond with their work here at the Center. Janette Lundquist and Judy Gould were nominated as Outstanding Employee's of the 2nd and 3rd Quarter 2011.

Both employees are veterans. Judy began working with 5-C in 1999 and Janette in 2001. They are both Therapeutic Technicians and are POST certified Juvenile Detention Officers. They are always willing to go above and beyond their regular duties at the Center. Congratulations Janette and Judy. We would like to thank them for their many years of loyal service with Five County!!!!

We would also like to thank the runner ups therapy Tech's: Mike Hook, Audrey Garrett, Veneda Jones, Kory Orme, Ben Mattingly, Patricia Wilson, and Ray Batton. Than you for such a great job!!!

Gardening Project

garden garden 2 sunflower sunflower many

We have discovered some"green thumbs" around the center. The Residential Treatment Residents participated in planting raised garden beds. Lance Ellis with the Idaho State University Extension Office in Fremont County instructed the residents in horticulture/gardening. After education classroom instruction residents participated in constructing the raised planter beds. Work was completed with Lance Ellis and Supervisor Michael Hogle.

The Lady Warrior Group and Eagles Group each had their own planter boxes and grew numerous vegetables. They included tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, peas, cucumbers, radishes, green peppers, squash, and beets. They also tried their hand at flowers. The Sunflowers flourished. It has been a great experience for the residents to learn hands on what it is like to go through the process of planting and growing a garden. They were able to reap their rewards by tasting the finished products. Special thanks to Michael Hogle and Lance Ellis!!!! It was a great project!!!!

DBT Skills Corner

Image removed.Our skill this quarter is a distress tolerance skill. We call it Willing Hands. To learn and practice Willing Hands:

  • First relax your breath. Start with slow and steady breathing.
  • Sit upright in a comfortable position.
  • As you begin to relax, shake your arms and then open your hands to a willing hands position, hands forward with palms, up. Continue taking a few more deep breaths.
  • Begin saying to yourself, "I may not like it, but I can accept it."
  • Practice releasing your anger and tension by clenching your fists and then relaxing into an open position.
  • Repeat and practice as needed.

Willing Hands shows others around you that you are dealing with your anger or emotional distress. You are ready to use your Wise Mind rather than stay in a state of "Emotional Distress or Emotional Mind". It may take practice but when the time comes that you truly need to calm down, it will be easier for you to use this skill and calm yourself down. Good Luck!! Remember to practice all of your DBT Skills!!!!