5C Spring/Summer 2021 newsletter
So sorry for the delay in getting this newsletter out! Things at 5C continue to progress and we are working hard to meet the unique needs of each of our residents. Here is an update on things that have happened the past several months!
Learning About Days Gone By
Mr. Hogle our staff supervisor is involved with a group that does Mountain Man rendezvous. In past years we have been able to take groups of youth to learn about Idaho history in a junior rendezvous hosted by this group. Unfortunately due to covid we were unable to do this this year. Thankfully, Mr. Hogle brought in many of his own equipment to do a mini version of this on our facility grounds. The juveniles all had a lot of fun and learned a lot as well. Thank you so much Mr. Hogle for the time and effort you put in to make this happen!

Bon Voyage
In July we bid Gina Jensen our long time case manager, a fond farewell. Gina got a job working for the Department of Health and Welfare and is using her great talents as a social worker to help kids in new ways. Gina worked here at 5C for 16 years. We miss Gina, but wish her all the best in this new adventure.

Staff of the Quarter
Our staff of the first quarter was all staff! This past year has been tough with Covid and some internal changes that have come, but our staff have continued to provide great care and supervision to the juveniles in our care. We truly have wonderful, caring people who work here. Thank you so much to all the staff for being part of our wonderful 5C family.
Our staff of the second quarter was Mr. Jason Wilson. Mr. Wilson has worked for 5C for several years. He has been an important and reliable part of our team. Thank you so much Mr. Wilson for all of your hard work! Mr. Wilson has recently relocated and we wish him all the best in his future endeavors!
Welcome Back Mr. Chavez!
We are pleased to report that Nicky Chavez our Executive Director returned to work in July and has been easing back into his duties. We continue to pray for him as his body keeps healing and he works to fully recover. Welcome back Mr. Chavez!
DBT Spotlight
Today’s DBT skill is the GIVE skill. The GIVE skill is useful when interacting and communicating with others. Here is what GIVE stands for:
“G” – (be) Gentle. This means to adopt a pleasant attitude. Do not be harsh, threatening or judging. Adopt an attitude of openness towards the person with whom you are interacting.
“I” (act) Interested. It would be best to actually be interested in what the other person is saying, but regardless of whether you are actually interested or not, it is important to actively focus on the person and act interested in what they are saying. Focus on staying in the moment with the other person and actively listening.
“V” Validate them. This is a VERY important skill. Acknowledge their feelings, opinions or tough situation. Be nonjudgmental. Acknowledge them by repeating back what they are experiencing. Say things like “I can see where are you coming from” and “that sounds like a tough situation.” Resist the temptation to jump in and give solutions to their problems or giving your opinion. It is very powerful to validate another person’s feelings or problems. See the video below for a humorous example.
“E” – (use an) Easy Manner. Smile! Adopt a light-hearted attitude. Be warm and inviting. Soften your face and posture.
GIVE is really helpful when you have a lot running through your mind but you need to give your attention to someone in the moment.
That’s it for this newsletter. Thanks for reading!