Happenings Around the Center
Holiday Donations
In December our facility gathered donations of different things like pillows, blankets, books, stuffed animals, and much more to donate to the Upper Valley Child Advocacy Center. This is something we do every year and the donations are given to kids who are in need of comfort items or distraction while they are at the UVAC. This is a tradition we hope to continue for many years to come.
Cookie/ Cake Class
Something else we do each December is a Cookie and Cake decorating class. This class is taught by one of our very own staff who is talented in this area. She really enjoys teaching the residents different techniques and watching their creativity blossom. Look at the top of this page to see their work! The residents really had a great time and learned a lot! A special thank you to Mrs. Harrigfeld for the time and effort she put into running the class and teaching the residents.
Employee of the Quarter

We would like to congratulate Mr. Palmer on being our staff of the 4th quarter of 2021, and thank him for all of his hard work! The last couple of months of 2021 and now going into 2022 we have had a large increase in our number of residents coming into the facility and so we have needed more staff. Mr. Palmer stepped up and covered lots of shifts especially during the holiday times when it is sometimes difficult to get staff to cover shifts so other staff can have a chance to have some time off. Thank you Mr. Palmer for all of your time and energy put into working with the residents in our facility. We truly appreciate you!
Hiring new Staff
We mentioned in the last section that we are in need of more staff. We are still hiring! Please if you know of someone who has their High School Diploma/ GED, is over 21, can pass a criminal background check, wants to help kids, and needs a job, send them our way! We would also like to give a shout out to our new staff we have recently hired. We are grateful for all of you, and are looking forward to working with you and getting to know you better. Thank you for joining out team!
New Clinician and New Case Manager
We want to give a special welcome to our new Case Manager Jordan Simpson, and our new Clinician Katie McFarland.
Jordan has actually worked at 5C for many years as a therapeutic line staff. We are so happy to welcome him to his new job as Case Manager. Jordan truly cares for the youth we serve in our facility and we have no doubt that Jordan will become a great Case Manager!

Katie is our new Clinician. She received her Master's degree from NNU a few years back and comes to 5C with several years of experience as a Clinical Social Worker. We are so grateful to be able to add Katie to our team!

DBT Spotlight: Willing Hands
Willing Hands is a skill to help with acceptance. There are many times in life when things happen that are outside of our control. In these moments all we can really do is accept the reality and then do what we can to make the best of it. Acceptance is something that can be extremely difficult at times. That is where willing hands can help!
To practice Willing Hands simply relax both of your hands with the palms up and rest them on your lap if you are sitting. If you are standing, relax your arms with the palms of your hands facing forward. If you do this during times of anger, irritation, or even when you might be feeling hurt, you will find that those negative feelings are more difficult to hold onto and you can more easily let them go and accept the present reality. It sounds so simple but it really is very effective. Give it a try!