Gender Specific


Five County Detention and Youth Rehabilitation Center offers Gender Specific Programming. Although adolescence can be a tumultuous time for both girls and boys, it is important to recognize that it is different for each of them (Gurian & Ballew, 2003; Surrey & Shem. 1998).

Drug And Alcohol

Drug and Alcohol/Substance Abuse Specialist Kyle Gould

Juveniles participate in drug and alcohol treatment groups. These groups deal with addictions in juveniles lives. Groups and Classes are determined by the facilitator. Assessments and screenings are given to determine groups and classes a juvenile must attend. There are juveniles that demonstrate addictive behaviors including eating disorders, self harm, or self injurious behavior that may not have a drug and alcohol problem. However, they may benefit from participation in Drug and Alcohol Groups.

Treatment DBT

DBT Skills Training Classes


Residents complete and turn in DBT Diary Cards on a weekly basis to their clinical therapist. Diary Cards record all skills practiced and target behaviors that are being addressed. DBT Diary Cards are individualized for each resident. Primary and Secondary Problems are identified from an initial assessment and their Service Implementation Plan (Treatment Plan).  Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections contract residents complete (O&A) Observation and Assessment prior to being placed at Five County. 5-C Center Psychiatrist/Psychologist Dr.

Low ROPES Course

Low ROPES Course

At the 5 County Treatment and Rehabilitation Center female juveniles (treatment groups) have the opportunity to participate and complete structured group builders. Michael Hogle is a trained Supervisor that leads youth and staff through various group building activities and assists in processing the activity's objective.

Johnny Sacks cabin in Island Park

Newsletter September 2017

By Nicky Chavez
We want to recognize Christopher Oliver as the employee of the quarter. Christopher has been an exceptional asset to the center and has gone above and beyond in the last quarter. He is always willing to lend a hand and shows initiative when help is
Preventing Child Abuse in Idaho

Idaho Children's Trust Fund

By Nicky Chavez
I would like to recognize the collaborative partnership bewteen the 5-C Center with the State Department of Education-Idaho Childrens Trust Fund. The past few years 5-C Head Teacher Marilee Wigginton applied for a grant with the Idaho Children's